My Extra-Marital Affair
Socorro Island, 2006. Here I was, single and unattached, and living the bachelor’s dream. I was sailing to exotic places, meeting women, getting free meals, having a roof over my head and, at the same time, earning a bit of money to save up for a rainy day. Or so people thought. Real life is a little different. I had to work my butt off 16 hours a day on the boat that provided my board and lodging in Mexico, and I was only meeting females of the animal variety.
One seemingly ordinary day, while I was setting up a buoy for a dive site, I fell in to the water with my dive gear. Captain Dave called out: “Dolphins!” For me, it was more like, Yeah, yeah, I’ve seen them before.
What Happens to Fish When You Take Them Out of the Water?
Last week my wife and I had an opportunity to be like any other normal couple. We did mundane tasks and ran errands, which included a trip to Costco on a Sunday.
We were on our way back to our Ford Exploder when someone tapped me on the back and asked me if I was who I was. Uh, yes…?
Thinking to Quit Smoking? Don’t!
I’ve had an Uzi pointed at me once upon a time. One time the bodyguards of a Serbian warlord beat me up. I have served as a human shield for war refugees in Central America. I have endured below freezing temperatures in the Saharan desert, snowstorms in the forests of Sweden, and have even survived the vortex of death in the Pacific Ocean.
But turning my back on tobacco might just be the death of me.
My 2013 Season in Malpelo
This is my second year working in Malpelo. I really have come to like this place! It is far away and one of the most remote and isolated dive destinations in the world. The Malpelo season this year was even sharkier than last year. In my 3 months of being here I have had 4 bait balls, encounters with the unique congregations of hundreds (up to 500!) of silky sharks that are almost all females… I don’t know why.
Why are the silkies so spread out? —Malpelo 17.06.2013
Because of recent illegal fishing?
The silky sharks can now be seen in both the north and the south. They are more spread out. We are speculating why. We can see fresh hooks in the mouth of some. And three days ago we had a fishing boat not farther than 2 nautical miles from here.
Hitchhiking from Sweden to Africa (Chapter One)
Sweden, 1990. I was 19 years old and had just finished my tree planting season in the forests of Jamtland. It was backbreaking work and there was an ache in my soul to get out. Somewhere. So I stuffed my backpack with some clothes and a sleeping bag with a Goretex cover, and headed out in the fields from our cottage in the north of Sweden, Söderåsen.
Hitchhiking from Sweden to Africa (Chapter Two)
Africa. The next day, I hitchhiked on. I stopped in British-colony Gibraltar. When I saw a ferry that went to Morocco, I thought, “Africa!” I decided to head in that direction, thinking it would be fun to see another continent. Anyway, the ferry was cheap.
I Was a Gorilla in Another Life
I can relate to Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett’s musical and visual project. I like the fictional universe that they created depicting a band of cartoon characters.
Their style encompasses several musical genres, with alternative, rock, hip hop, electronica, dub, and pop influences. The music is very catchy, but is nowhere near the sound of “traditional” pop.
Joining the Facebook Bandwagon
Ok, so maybe Facebook isn’t such a bad thing after all. I still don’t know how to use it, but at least I am able to stay in touch with friends.
At Long Last
The day has finally arrived.
I have succumbed to the pressure to live in a modern civilized world, where people stay connected through computers and apps. I still don’t understand why we can’t use normal email to communicate, but what do I know, I’m from the Stone Age.